Hello there! Interested in learning the ways of plant medicine? Well, you’ve certainly chosen the right place. Before we actually embark further on this wonderful journey, there is a golden nugget I would like to share, and that is setting intentions. It’s like drawing your map before sailing out to the great unknown. But here’s a little twist—it’s not just about charting the course; it’s also about readying yourself to embrace the role of a student, open to receiving. Let’s walk through this even further, all light and easy, for anyone with a longing to connect with these fabulous plant allies.
Your Intentions: Magical Seeds
Intentions are like these potent seeds you’re planting—they’re born from your desires and dreams. Unalloyed simplicity: that is the beauty you approach plant medicine with. It feels like when one approaches plant spirits with a clear intention to open up a universe of insight and almost as if having a heart-to-heart with these beings, signaling that you are there to learn and grow in and with them in that transformation.
One of the main things that stands out clearly is simplicity, from personal lessons and shared stories. Yes, having that want and question list as long as your arm might sound pretty fine, but focusing on what really matters makes the experience an amazing one. A single word or a concise phrase can become your lighthouse, guiding you through the journey.
Positive Vibes Only
It’s all about framing your intentions. Focusing on the light, the healing, the peace you want to welcome in your life, and not what you’re trying to escape from. It sets the tone for what is to come, drawing the energy you seek.
The Thrill of the Unknown
Plant medicine, and especially our dear Madre Ayahuasca, loves a surprise. Maybe that solid intention is there, but the way can warp and wander in directions unexpected to oneself. And that’s the adventure. It’s often to be found a little bit beyond the borders; the real gems spring up with rather deep insights and wisdom.
You can also read this blog I’ve written some time ago
Becoming the Student: Openness Is Key
Embracing the role of the student is taking the journey of openness further. It is opening a door, as it were, It is not about setting an intention, but more going in with an open heart and an open mind, allowing the material to flow through and absorb every lesson and insight that the plant medicine has to offer. This openness turns the journey into a rich, full, two-way conversation, deepening the connection and understanding.
Crafting Your Intentions
So, how do you go about starting this? Here’s a simple guideline on aligning your heart, mind, and spirit:
Meditation & Reflection: Find that peaceful spot, come into contact with the plant’s spirit, and let meditation ground you.
Journaling: Pen to paper, allowing thoughts and intentions to run uninterrupted. Seeing them in black and white actually makes them come alive.
Visualization: Picture those intentions growing, blooming with every step of your journey.
Symbolism: At times, an image or a word can anchor you, quickly providing a mental refuge when necessary.
Stepping into the Sacred
Set your intentions, and be prepared to open to the sacred work of plant medicine. The purposes in each and every situation, whether big ceremonial ones or just personal intentions of gaining knowledge, will lay the good ground to proceed along this enlightening journey. This is mutual respect and learning. Bear in mind that what you give love and an open heart to grows into something exceptional.
Setting intentions and one’s attitude is not a part of a student but the very heart of working with plant medicine, bringing you to revelations and transformations beyond imagination. So as we journey on, let’s remember the power of our intentions and the openness to learn, which brings about those opportunities.
And so, thank you for hanging out and diving into this with me.
Love, Daphne